Date Night Dip: Iraqi Tamarind and Date Delight

The tale of Tamr Hindi is one of culinary serendipity, where two seemingly disparate ingredients come together in a delightful symphony. On one side, we have the tamarind, its pods containing a sour pulp that, when extracted, offers a sharp, almost citrus-like zing. On the other, the date, a symbol of Middle Eastern hospitality, brings its natural, honeyed sweetness to the table. The marriage of these two flavors creates a dip that is at once refreshing and rich, capable of elevating the simplest of meals to a memorable feast.

The journey to Tamr Hindi begins with the tamarind, which is soaked in water to soften. The resulting tamarind water is then strained to remove the seeds and fibrous material, leaving behind a tart liquid that serves as the base of our dip. To this, date paste is added, made by blending soft, ripe dates into a smooth, sweet puree. The contrast between the tangy tamarind and the sugary dates is the heart of Tamr Hindi, a balance that speaks to the culinary dexterity of Iraqi cooks.

But the story doesn’t end with just tamarind and dates. To this mixture, a whisper of spices is introduced—sometimes cinnamon, sometimes cardamom, or perhaps a pinch of nutmeg—each adding a layer of complexity and warmth that complements the base flavors. Some versions of Tamr Hindi also see the addition of lemon juice for an extra kick of acidity, or a sprinkling of sesame seeds for texture and nuttiness.

Tamr Hindi is more than a dip; it’s a testament to the Iraqi penchant for blending sweet and sour, creating dishes that dance on the edge of flavor dualities. It’s often served as part of a mezze platter, alongside breads and other dips, or used as a sauce for grilled meats, adding a burst of flavor that is both unexpected and utterly satisfying.

In many ways, Tamr Hindi is a reflection of Iraq itself—a land of contrasts, where ancient and modern, sweet and sour, coexist in beautiful complexity. It embodies the spirit of Iraqi hospitality, where every meal is an opportunity to share not just food, but stories, laughter, and a piece of cultural heritage.

Iraqi Tamarind and Date Dip (Tamr Hindi)

  • Servings: 4-6
  • Difficulty: easy
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  • 1/2 cup tamarind paste
  • 1/2 cup date syrup or molasses
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • Salt to taste
  • Water as needed to adjust consistency


  1. **Prepare the Dip:** In a mixing bowl, combine the tamarind paste, date syrup or molasses, ground cumin, and salt. Mix well until all ingredients are fully incorporated.
  2. **Adjust Consistency:** Gradually add water to the mixture while stirring, until the desired consistency is achieved. The dip should be smooth and pourable but not too runny.
  3. **Taste and Adjust:** Taste the dip and adjust the seasoning if necessary, adding more salt or cumin according to your preference.
  4. **Serve:** Transfer the Tamarind and Date Dip to a serving bowl or dish.

  • **Serving & Pairing:** Iraqi Tamarind and Date Dip (Tamr Hindi) pairs perfectly with samosas or grilled meats. The sweet and tangy flavors of this dip complement both savory and crispy snacks, making it a versatile condiment for various occasions.

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